#121 PhishDecloaker: Detecting CAPTCHA-cloaked Phishing Websites via Hybrid Vision-based Interactive Models


  • Ee-Chien Chang
  • Guoxing Chen
  • Haojin Zhu
  • Jun Han
  • Yan Meng
  • Yu Yu
  • Yun Lin

R2 Accept Conditional on Major Revision -> Accept

[PDF] Final version (1.2MB) Jun 11, 2024, 6:27:47 PM AoE · 0f6d60f02f119dd91c5b8b04369f075f4319d8b095a4b8f4b0452b2903ab2b090f6d60f0

[PDF] Submission version

Phishing is a cybersecurity attack based on social engineering that incurs significant financial losses and erodes societal trust. While phishing detection techniques are emerging, attackers continually strive to bypass state-of-the-arts. Recent phishing campaigns have shown that emerging phishing attacks adopt CAPTCHA-based cloaking techniques, marking a new round of cat-and-mouse game. Our study shows that phishing websites, hardened by CAPTCHA-cloaking, can compromise all known state-of-the-art industrial and academic detectors with almost zero cost. In this work, we develop PhishDecloaker, an AI-powered solution to soften the shield of the CAPTCHA-cloaking used by phishing websites. PhishDecloaker is designed to mimic human behaviors to solve the CAPTCHAs, allowing modern security-crawlers to see the uncloaked phishing content. Technically, PhishDecloaker orchestrates five deep computer vision models to detect the existence of CAPTCHAs, analyze its type, and solve the challenge in an interactive manner. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate PhishDecloaker in terms of its effectiveness, efficiency, and robustness against potential adversaries. The results show that PhishDecloaker (1) recovers the phishing detection rate of many state-of-theart phishing detectors from 0% to up to on average 74.25% on diverse CAPTCHA-cloaked phishing websites (2) generalizes to unseen CAPTCHA (with precision of 86% and recall of 69%), and (3) is robust against various adversaries such as FGSM, JSMA, PGD, DeepFool, and DPatch, which allows the existing phishing detectors to achieve new state-of-the-art performance on CAPTCHA-cloaked phishing webpages. Our field study over 30 days shows that PhishDecloaker can help us uniquely discover 7.6% more phishing websites cloaked by CAPTCHAs, raising alarm of the emergence of CAPTCHA-cloaked features in the modern phishing campaigns.

X. Teoh, Y. Lin, R. Liu, Z. Huang, J. Dong


  • Xiwen Teoh (Shanghai Jiao Tong University; National University of Singapore) <teoh6g@gmail.com>
Ethics Consideration

  • Social issues and security: Emerging threats, harassment, extremism, and online abuse
  • Social issues and security: Information manipulation, misinformation, and disinformation
Internet Defense Prize
Distinguished Paper Award
Artifact Evaluation

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